Health Services
Health Services
- Physician’s Recommended Medication Form
- Physician’s Notice for Physical Education
- Medication Authorization (ENG / SPAN)
- When To Keep Your Child Home
- Meningitis Alert (ENG) (SPAN)
- Immunization Notice
- Flu or Cold (ENG)
- Immunization Notice (SPAN)
- (SPAN)
- Food Allergy Action Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Urgent Care
Hot Weather
Whether at school or at home, Southern California’s hot weather can be dangerous for people of all ages. Here’s a resource guide to stay healthy and safe. Tagalog. Español.
Flu or Cold
Are you having trouble determining if you have a flu or a cold? Download the helper for more information.
Urgent Care Services
Need a quick referral for local urgent care? Maybe the South Bay Family Health and Urgent Care Center has what you need.
Incoming Students
Please be aware that all incoming 6th graders must present a recent updated immunization document at the time of 7th grade registration. A TDAP (whooping cough/pertussis) Booster shot given AFTER the 7th birthday is now required for 7th grade entry.
Parents, please see the following link: More Vaccination Info…
RDRM Health Services
Rancho del Rey provides all health services per both district and state education code. It is staffed by a full-time registered, credentialed school nurse. Credentialed school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety including a healthy environment; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning (NASN, 2010)
Health Office Visits
All students are required to have a hall pass to come to the nurse. First aid is rendered for minor injuries, and brief rest periods and water are offered for minor complaints such as ongoing colds, headaches, or stomach aches. If the nurse notes symptoms of a possible communicable disease or more severe illness/injury, she will contact the parent/guardian to discuss a plan of care. Please make sure we have up to date information on file in case of emergencies or suspected communicable disease.
Any medications, prescription, over the counter, natural/herbal, brought to school must be kept in the nurse’s office, except inhalers (with doctor/nurse permission). If a student requires medication to be administered during school hours, a Physician’s Recommendation for Medication form must be completed by a U. S. doctor (practicing in the United States) and signed by both the doctor and parent/guardian (see downloads above).
If your child takes medication routinely at home only, please inform the nurse so that your child may be monitored for any possible side effects. The following over the counter (OTC) medications are available on a limited basis from the nurse: Ibuprofen (Motrin), Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Tums (ant-acid), and cough drops. Over the counter medications may only be dispensed to students by a licensed nurse.
A signed parental consent form MUST be on file before any over the counter medication can be dispensed. These consent forms are available in the nurse’s office. At no time may students bring to school or carry on campus any medications of any kind without authorization from the school nurse.
Students are required to present their immunization cards when enrolling in Sweetwater Union High School District, Immunizations must be up to date in order for students to register at school. Please note: All students in grades 7 and 8 will be required to have on file evidence of having received a dTap booster after age 10. This is a NEW requirement for the 2010-2011 school year. Please refer to the immunization notice for more details.
Chronic Illness
Please inform the nurse of any ongoing serious health conditions, such as serious allergies, diabetes, seizures, ect., so that a plan of care can be developed. This is crucial for the safety, well-being and maximum success for your child at school. All health information is kept confidential and shared only on a “need to know” basis.
Important Student Reminder
PLEASE don’t skip BREAKFAST, eat a SNACK for 9:30 break, and EAT SOMETHING for LUNCH… even if it is just a piece of fruit, or a healthy snack. Something is better than nothing! NOT eating and NOT drinking WATER are common reasons why students have headaches, stomach aches, muscle cramps, feel tired, sleepy, grumpy and anxious. Hunger and dehydration both affect health, learning, and our school environment.
Other Resources
- – up to date information on current vaccine requirements and clinic locations and hours
- Nemours Foundation- great general site for answers to health questions
- Great site for teens to use to get answers
- – National Adolescent Health Information Center
- Family Health Centers of San Diego (Low cost primary health care)
- – Low cost Family support and counseling services