Title 1/SCE

Title 1/SCE

Title 1 / State Compensatory Education (SCE)

Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in California’s high-poverty schools. Funds are used to support effective, research-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap between high-and low-performing students and enable the students to meet the state’s challenging academic standards.

The state funded Economic Impact Aid (EIA) Program is a state categorical program for kindergarten through grade twelve. There are two types of EIA:

EIA/LEP – To support programs and activities to assist English learners achieve proficiency in the English language as rapidly as practicable and to support programs and activities to improve the academic achievement of English learners.

EIA/SCE – A school shall use EIA/SCE funds to support programs and activities designed to assist educationally disadvantaged students achieve state standard proficiency.


For additional details about our Title/SCE program, please contact Ms. Pablo-Martinez in the main office

Program Improvement:

Rancho del Rey Middle School has not been identified as a Program Improvement school because we have consistently met our performance targets for significant subgroups. All schools and districts that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress for two consecutive years are identified for Program Improvement under ESEA/No Child Left Behind. Program Improvement schools and districts must implement required program components and interventions. These include ESEA/NCLB Choice and Supplemental Educational Services. More information on these programs can be found on the district website.