Dual Language

Dual Language

Dual Language Mission Statement

 SUHSD is dedicated to promoting biliteracy by providing students with an atmosphere that values cultural diversity and fosters academic excellence. Our goal is to equip each bilingual and DL student with the tools to become critical thinkers, self-advocates and active participants in their communities, their state and beyond. SUHSD is committed to educating global citizens who are high achieving, bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural students prepared to excel in the 21st century.

Program Staff

Viviana Timmons
Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3/4 /DL 7th grade Advisory

Carmen Torres
DL 7th Grade Advisory

Miguel Cota
DL United States History Accelerated / DL 8th Grade Advisory

Anita Solis
Spanish Speakers 1/2

Daniel Arreola

DL World Cultures Accelerated/ DL 7th grade Advisory

Paul Osuna

8th grade DL Science Accelerated/DL  8th grade/7th grade DL Science