World Languages

World Languages

Please review the information below. If you have questions about specific course requirements and guidelines you may contact your child’s teacher directly.


As of 2011, Filipino is offered as a Foreign Language at our school.  This course sequence is offered as a 2-year program with Filipino 1-2 as the first course and Filipino 3-4 as the second course.  Content includes not only language but a range of instruction about culture, society, and history.

Spanish Language

At Rancho del Rey Middle, Spanish classes are taught by Viviana Timmons, Anita Solís, Jenny Le and Carmen Torres.

Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1-6

Both 7th and 8th grade Spanish for Spanish Speakers will be taught 100% in Spanish. Students are expected to write, read and speak (respond and ask questions) to their classmates and the teacher in Spanish while in class. Students will study, explore, practice, and review the rules of grammar along with the study of the nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics of the Spanish Language Arts including Iberian and Latin American history and cultures (Spanish Language Arts Standards).

All students interested in taking a Spanish for Spanish Speakers class need to complete this questionnaire and submit it to the counseling center or to Ms. Timmons in Room 806.