Attendance Information

Attendance Information

RDRs new Attendance email:

It is important that you mention the following in every email notice to the attendance office: Full Name of student, Grade, the date of absence(s), and the reason of absence. It will be updated and excused by the end of the day!

Attendance Line: (619)397-2513

Regular attendance and punctuality are key elements for your child’s academic success. California schools no longer receive funding for students who are sick or “excused”. It is essential that your child attend school whenever possible – even if it is just for part of the day. Absences are excused for student illness, death in the immediate family, or other lawful reasons. Satisfactory explanation from the parent or guardian is required for the absence of a student for all or any part of the school day within thirty (30) school days of the absence. The explanation may be given in person, by telephone, or in writing. If you leave a message, you must follow up with a note. Voice mails are not reliable. Your note should include: your student’s name, student’s date of birth, day of absence(s) to be cleared, the reason for the absence and the parent or guardians printed name and signature at the bottom.

Important, students who miss class must have a parent or guardian call the school or provide a note to excuse the absence within thirty (30) school days of the absence. If it is not excused within the thirty days, your child must attend Saturday School to clear the absence. If your child does not attend Saturday School, they will be assigned in school suspension and placed on the non-privilege list which will prevent them from attending or participating in any school event outside of regular class, such as dances, field trips and 8th grade promotion.

The following is a guide to be used in case parents need assistance collecting assignments for students who have excused absences.

  • 1-2 day absence – Student contacts teacher for missing assignments
  • 3-5 day absence – Parent contacts the Counseling Center secretary at (619)397-2520 to request missing assignments.
  • 5-15 day absences – Contact the Attendance Technician for a short term Independent Study Contract at (619)397-2513.
  • More than 15 days absent – Contact the Assistant Principals’ Secretary for further assistance at (619)397-2507.

Tardy Policy

  • When arriving late to school in the morning, students should report directly to class for the first 15 minutes.
  • Starting at 8:15, students need to report to the Attendance to get a Late Pass and be properly coded in the system.

Students that are habitually tardy will be referred to the attendance coordinator and/or administrator. Consequences for habitual tardiness can include lunch detention(s) or Saturday School. All detentions and Saturday Schools must be served in order to be eligible for all school extra-curricular activities.

Excused Tardy

When a student is late to school because of illness or a medical appointment, the student must bring a note from the parent or legal guardian.

Unexcused Tardy

If a student is late to school or class for a reason other than illness or medical appointment, i.e. overslept, traffic, etc., it is recorded as an unexcused tardy and the student receives a “Lunch Detention”. Consequences for habitual tardiness: Verbal warning – then AP referral for discipline. All detentions and Saturday Schools must be served in order to be eligible for activities.

Truancy Policy

An unexcused absence or returning to school after an absence without a note from a parent within 10 days is violating state law. Therefore, students may be required to attend Saturday School to make up the absence and missed work. Truancies will affect scholarship and citizenship grades.

Saturday School

Saturday school may be assigned to students for uncleared absences, truancies, excessive tardies or excused absences, and disciplinary reasons. Students attend school on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Students are responsible for bringing school assignments to work on the entire time.
