Facilities Rental

Facilities Rental

We appreciate your interest in using the facilities at Rancho del Rey. While we are delighted to be an integral part of the community, our first priority will always be serving the needs of the Rancho del Rey students. Therefore, facility use applications must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance and no earlier than 4 months before the event. For ongoing events, extending beyond four months, applications will need to be resubmitted so that we can provide flexibility for new school activities as they are established.

Cultural Arts Specifics: The Cultural Arts Center seats 700. It can be set up with 40 rectangular tables and or 15 round tables. Within the Cultural Arts Center there is both men’s and women’s restrooms. A separate sound room controls the audio level within the center. There is a small hospitality room with sink, refrigerator, and selling window. The stage area has wheelchair access. The standard set-up consists of seating for approximately 700 (theater style)- if you wish for a different set-up please attach or fax a layout of your request.

In order to use any of the facilities at Rancho del Rey the following procedure must be followed:

1. You must complete a request for special activity and the application and permit for use of school facilities and grounds on Facilitron. A link can be found on the districts planning website at https://planningandconstruction.sweetwaterschools.org/facilities-use/

2. You will need to provide a Certificate of Insurance (showing policy number and expiration date) along with the insurance company’s policy endorsement of comprehensive general liability (broad form) insurance, occurrence basis (combined single limit, personal injury, bodily injury and property damage) in the sum of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, with the District specifically named as an additional insured.


If you are scheduled to use our facilities please be advised of the following:

1. We have neither the staff nor the resources available to-
a. provide photo copying services
b. deliver messages
c. provide directions to our facilities for your attendees
2. There is no phone available in the Cultural Arts Center. We recommend that a member of your group be designated a cell phone carrier.
3. If you need to hang any signs, posters, etc., “Blue Painter’s Tape” is the only tape allowed-under no circumstances are masking or scotch tape, tacks, staples, glue, etc., to be used (you will need to provide your own blue tape). Groups utilizing the facility are responsible for the application and complete removal of all decorations.
4. Staff will do a walk through inspection of the facility with the responsible party before and after the event. Damage repair costs, additional cleaning to return the facility to the original condition or usage of facility beyond designated time following an event will require additional fees. We would appreciate you leaving the room clean and tidy.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with the district, school site and city policy. Thank you.
